Results for 'Praxiographies' of Time : Law'

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  1. Emily Grabham.Praxiographies' of Time : Law, Temporalities & Material Worlds - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Conceptualizations of time in French depuis ‘since, for’ constructions.James Law - 2018 - Cognitive Linguistics 29 (2):163-195.
    Journal Name: Cognitive Linguistics Issue: Ahead of print.
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  3. Memory Systems, the Epistemic Arrow of Time, and the Second Law.David H. Wolpert & Jens Kipper - 2024 - Entropy 26 (2).
    The epistemic arrow of time is the fact that our knowledge of the past seems to be both of a different kind and more detailed than our knowledge of the future. Just like with the other arrows of time, it has often been speculated that the epistemic arrow arises due to the second law of thermodynamics. In this paper, we investigate the epistemic arrow of time using a fully formal framework. We begin by defining a memory system (...)
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    The Logic of Time in Law and Legal Expert Systems.Ejan Mackaay, Daniel Poulin, Jacques Frémont, Paul Bratley & Constant Déniger - 1990 - Ratio Juris 3 (2):254-271.
    Research on an expert system regarding unemployment insurance law has pointed to the difficulties of explicitly representing temporal relations. The question has been addressed in the artificial intelligence literature with respect to planning systems and linguistic analysis. The approaches adopted do not appear to be directly transposable to legal discourse. The problem seems so far to have escaped notice amongst researchers attempting to develop legal expert systems. The paper explores in a preliminary way how lawyers use temporal concepts. It is (...)
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  5. A Life of Time.Robert Llewellyn, Russell Stannard, Tessa Coombs, Andrew Law & British Broadcasting Corporation - 2001 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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  6. Governing Without A Fundamental Direction of Time: Minimal Primitivism about Laws of Nature.Eddy Keming Chen & Sheldon Goldstein - 2022 - In Yemima Ben-Menahem (ed.), Rethinking Laws of Nature. Springer. pp. 21-64.
    The Great Divide in metaphysical debates about laws of nature is between Humeans, who think that laws merely describe the distribution of matter, and non-Humeans, who think that laws govern it. The metaphysics can place demands on the proper formulations of physical theories. It is sometimes assumed that the governing view requires a fundamental / intrinsic direction of time: to govern, laws must be dynamical, producing later states of the world from earlier ones, in accord with the fundamental direction (...)
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  7. The origins of time-asymmetry in thermodynamics: The Minus first law.R. H., Uffink &Unknown & J. - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 32 (4):525-538.
    This paper investigates what the source of time asymmetry is in thermodynamics, and comments on the question whether a time-symmetric formulation of the Second Law is possible.
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  8. The Origins of Time-Asymmetry in Thermodynamics: The Minus First Law.Harvey R. Brown & Jos Uffink - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 32 (4):525-538.
    This paper investigates what the source of time-asymmetry is in thermodynamics, and comments on the question whether a time-symmetric formulation of the Second Law is possible.
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    Paradoxes of Time Travel.Ryan Wasserman - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Ryan Wasserman explores a range of fascinating puzzles raised by the possibility of time travel, with entertaining examples from physics, science fiction, and popular culture, and he draws out their implications for our understanding of time, tense, freedom, fatalism, causation, counterfactuals, laws of nature, persistence, change, and mereology.
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    We Have All the Time in the World: The Law and Ethics of Time-Limited Interventions in Clinical Care.Samantha R. Johnson & Elizabeth Sivertsen - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (2):309-320.
    The authors consider the legal and ethical considerations of offering a time-limited trial of a potentially non-beneficial intervention in the setting of patient or surrogate requests to pursue aggressive treatment. The likelihood of an intervention’s success is rarely a zero-sum game, and an intervention’s risk-to-benefit ratio may be indiscernible without further information (often, a matter of time).
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    Melody and Law's Mindfulness of Time.Gerald J. Postema - 2004 - Ratio Juris 17 (2):203-226.
    . A structured awareness of time lies at the core of the law's distinctive normativity. Melody is offered as a rough model of this mindfulness of time, since some important features of this awareness are also present in a hearer's grasp of melody. The model of melody is used, first, to identify some temporal dimensions of intentional action and then to highlight law's mindfulness of time. Its role in the structure of legal thinking, and especially in precedent‐sensitive (...)
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    On some time properties of untimed propositional implication.Miros law Kurkowski - 2011 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 40 (1/2):83-89.
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    Sediments of time: on possible histories.Reinhart Koselleck - 2018 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Edited by Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann & Sean Franzel.
    Sediments of time -- Fiction and historical reality -- Space and history -- Historik and hermeneutics -- Goethe's untimely history -- Does history accelerate? -- Constancy and change of all contemporary histories -- History, law, and justice -- Linguistic change and the history of events -- Structures of repetition in language and history -- On the meaning and absurdity in history -- Concepts of the enemy -- Sluices of memory and sediments of experiences -- Behind the deadly line : (...)
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    An enquiry into the ideas of space, time, immensity, and eternity: 1734.Edmund Law - 1734 - New York: Garland. Edited by Daniel Waterland.
  15.  17
    ‘Authorizing the Peril’: Mythologies of (Settler) Law at the End of Time.Sahar Shah - 2021 - Law and Critique 32 (3):269-284.
    The promised paradises of colonial capitalism and neoliberalism are set in a perpetually elusive future (Fitzpatrick 1992). This future is not a set destination, but an endless linear journey set to the thrum of ‘progress’ and ‘development’. This paper considers, in the context of recent cases relating to development in the Athabasca tar sands region, what the law of the Canadian settler state does when it is faced with interruptions and ruptures in its timescape. Drawing on Fitzpatrick’s seminal work, The (...)
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    Invariance of Galileo’s Law of Fall under a Change of the Unit of Time.John D. Norton - unknown
    The inductive problem of extending the sequence 1, 3, 5, 7, is solved when these numbers are the ratios of the incremental distances fallen in successive unit times. The controlling fact is Galileo’s assumption that these ratios are invariant under a change of the unit of time. It admits few laws and only one is compatible with the two-numbered initial sequence 1, 3.
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  17. Considerations on the Theory of Religion in Three Parts: I. Want of Universality in Natural and Reveal'd Religion, No Just Objection Against Either. Ii. The Scheme of Divine Providence with Regard to the Time and Manner of the Several Dispensations of Reveal'd Religion, More Especially the Christian. Iii. The Progress of Natural Religion and Science, or the Continual Improvement of the World in General : To Which Are Added, Two Discourses, the Former, on the Life and Character of Christ, the Latter, on the Benefit Procured by His Death, in Regard to Our Mortality : With an Appendix, Concerning the Use of the Word Soul in Holy Scripture : And the State of the Dead There Described. --.Edmund Law & John Smith - 1765 - Printed by J. Archdeacon ...; for J. Robson ..., B. White ..., T. Cadell ..., London; and T. J. Merril.
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  18. Modern Times: Law, Temporality and Happiness in Hobbes, Locke and Bentham.José Brunner - 2007 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 8 (1):277-310.
    This Article shows how three modern English thinkers — Hobbes, Locke and Bentham — construe the law as an intersection of secular eternity on the one one hand and transience in modernity on the other, allowing for immovability and movement at the same time, combining stability with change. It details how these theorists, who undoubtedly have earned themselves places of honor in the canon of modern political thought, tried to solve the problem of self-grounding in three different and yet (...)
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    The spirit of the laws.Charles de Secondat Montesquieu & Thomas Nugent - 2010 - London: Appleton. Edited by Thomas Nugent, J. V. Prichard & Oliver Wendell Holmes.
    The Spirit of the Laws is, without question, one of the central texts in the history of eighteenth-century thought, yet there has been no complete, scholarly English-language edition since that of Thomas Nugent, published in 1750. This lucid translation renders Montesquieu's problematic text newly accessible to a fresh generation of students, helping them to understand quite why Montesquieu was such an important figure in the early enlightenment and why The Spirit of the Laws was, for example, such an influence upon (...)
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  20.  46
    Has the sanctity of life law 'gone too far'?: analysis of the sanctity of life doctrine and English case law shows that the sanctity of life law has not 'gone too far'.Abdul-Rasheed Rabiu & Kapil Sugand - 2014 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 9:5.
    The medical profession consistently strives to uphold patient empowerment, equality and safety. It is ironic that now, at a time where advances in technology and knowledge have given us an increased capacity to preserve and prolong life, we find ourselves increasingly asking questions about the value of the lives we are saving. A recent editorial by Professor Raanan Gillon questions the emphasis that English law places on the sanctity of life doctrine. In what was described by Reverend Nick Donnelly (...)
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  21. The mind's direction of time.Eliaz Segal - 2004 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 25 (3):227-235.
    It seems that time has direction which points ahead from the past to the future. Traditionally, the main efforts to explain the arrow of time were carried out within the domain of physics, primarily utilizing statistical mechanics laws. Here, I attempt to explain how the forward direction of time is configured from the viewpoint of the mind. At first impression the concept of forward direction stems from the meeting of subjectivity with space and as such it is (...)
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  22. Introduction to the Philosophy of Statistical Mechanics: Can Probability Explain the Arrow of Time in the Second Law of Thermodynamics?Orly Shenker & Meir Hemmo - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (9):640-651.
    The arrow of time is a familiar phenomenon we all know from our experience: we remember the past but not the future and control the future but not the past. However, it takes an effort to keep records of the past, and to affect the future. For example, it would take an immense effort to unmix coffee and milk, although we easily mix them. Such time directed phenomena are sub- sumed under the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This law (...)
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    Crackpots and basket-cases: a history of therapeutic work and occupation.Jennifer Laws - 2011 - History of the Human Sciences 24 (2):65-81.
    Despite the long history of beliefs about the therapeutic properties of work for people with mental ill health, rarely has therapeutic work itself been a focus for historical analysis. In this article, the development of a therapeutic work ethic (1813—1979) is presented, drawing particular attention to the changing character and quality of beliefs about therapeutic work throughout time. From hospital factories to radical ‘antipsychiatric’ communities, the article reveals the myriad forms of activities that have variously been considered fit work (...)
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    The Curious Incident of the Law Firm that Did Nothing in the Night-Time (Reviewing Milton C. Regan, Jr., Eat What You Kill: The Fall of a Wall Street Lawyer [Univ. of Michigan Press, 2004]). [REVIEW]Nancy B. Rapoport - 2007 - Legal Ethics 10 (1):98.
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  25. Quantum Paradoxes, Time, and Derivation of Thermodynamic Law: Opportunities from Change of Energy Paradigm.Helmut Tributsch - 2006 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 37 (2):287-306.
    Well known quantum and time paradoxes, and the difficulty to derive the second law of thermodynamics, are proposed to be the result of our historically grown paradigm for energy: it is just there, the capacity to do work, not directly related to change. When the asymmetric nature of energy is considered, as well as the involvement of energy turnover in any change, so that energy can be understood as fundamentally "dynamic", and time-oriented, these paradoxes and problems dissolve. The (...)
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    A Tale of Two Conflicts: On Pauline Kleingeld’s New Reading of the Formula of Universal Law.Jens Timmermann - 2018 - Kant Studien 109 (4):581-596.
    Pauline Kleingeld’s “Contradiction and Kant’s Formula of Universal Law”, published in this journal in 2017, presents a powerful challenge to what has become the standard reconstruction of the categorical imperative. In this response to Kleingeld, I argue that she is right to emphasise the ‘simultaneity requirement’ - that we must be able to will a proposed maxim and ‘simulataneously’, ‘also’ or ‘at the same time’ the maxim in its universalised form - but I deny that this removes the categorical (...)
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    Explorations at the Edge of Time: The Prospects for World Order.Richard A. Falk - 1992
    In his clear-sighted, humane, and provocative way, Richard Falk calls for a revolution in thinking about the future of world order. Explorations at the Edge of Time develops the idea that a major cultural shift from modernism to postmodernism is under way, creating both new difficulties and new opportunities in the domain of global public policy. The author observes, "A postmodem possibility implies the human capacity to transcend the violence, poverty, ecological decay, oppression, injustice, and secularism of the modern (...)
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    Augmented feedback influences upper limb reaching movement times but does not explain violations of Fitts' Law.John de Grosbois, Matthew Heath & Luc Tremblay - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Flow of Time.Jonathan Walgate - 2001 - Philosophy and Theology 13 (2):311-332.
    Time flows. This oft-lamented fact of human existence seems plain enough, but is remarkably difficult to explain scientifically. Physical theory follows a greater goal—symmetry—and the directional nature of time is left adrift. The phenomenon must nevertheless be explained.Scientists since Isaac Newton have searched classical mechanics for answers, but precious little progress has been made on his mystical ideas. The discoveries of thermodynamics, though clearly relevant, have posed more problems than they have solved.Now a new solution presents itself through (...)
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    A Leibnizian Logic of Possible Laws.Kordula Świętorzecka & Marcin Łyczak - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-22.
    The so-called Principle of Plenitude was ascribed to Leibniz by A. O. Lovejoy in The Great Chain of Being: A Study of the History of an Idea. Its temporal version states that what holds always, holds necessarily. This temporal formulation is the subject of the current paper. Lovejoy’s idea was criticised by Hintikka. The latter supported his criticisms by referring to specific Leibnizian notions of absolute and hypothetical necessities interpreted in a possible-worlds semantics. In the paper, Hintikka’s interpretative suggestions are (...)
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    The Proprietary Foundations of Corporate Law.John Armour & Michael J. Whincop - 2007 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 27 (3):429-465.
    Recent work in both the theory of the firm and of corporate law has called into question the appropriateness of analysing corporate law as ‘merely’ a set of standard form contracts. This article develops these ideas by focusing on property law's role in underpinning corporate enterprise. Rights to control assets are a significant mechanism of governance in the firm. However, their use in this way predicates some arrangement for stipulating which parties will have control under which circumstances. It is argued (...)
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    Reassembling Social Science Methods: The Challenge of Digital Devices.Evelyn Ruppert, John Law & Mike Savage - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (4):22-46.
    The aim of the article is to intervene in debates about the digital and, in particular, framings that imagine the digital in terms of epochal shifts or as redefining life. Instead, drawing on recent developments in digital methods, we explore the lively, productive and performative qualities of the digital by attending to the specificities of digital devices and how they interact, and sometimes compete, with older devices and their capacity to mobilize and materialize social and other relations. In doing so, (...)
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  33. Time Travel, Foreknowledge, and Dependence: A Response to Cyr.Andrew Law - forthcoming - Faith and Philosophy.
    The dependence solution claims that God’s foreknowledge is no threat to our freedom because God’s foreknowledge depends (in a relevant sense) on our actions. The assumption here is that those parts of the world which depend on our actions are no threat to the freedom of those actions. Recently, Taylor Cyr has presented a case which challenges this assumption. Moreover, since the case is analogous to the case of God’s foreknowledge, it would seem to establish that, even if God’s foreknowledge (...)
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  34. The Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Psychological Arrow of Time.Meir Hemmo & Orly Shenker - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 73 (1):85-107.
    Can the second law of thermodynamics explain our mental experience of the direction of time? According to an influential approach, the past hypothesis of universal low entropy also explains how the psychological arrow comes about. We argue that although this approach has many attractive features, it cannot explain the psychological arrow after all. In particular, we show that the past hypothesis is neither necessary nor sufficient to explain the psychological arrow on the basis of current physics. We propose two (...)
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    Metaphysics of laws and ontology of time.Cord Friebe - 2018 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 33 (1):77-89.
    At first glance, every metaphysics of laws can be combined with every ontology of time. In contrast, the paper intends to show that Humeanism requires eternalism and that Power metaphysics must presuppose an existentially dynamical view of temporal existence, i.e. growing block or presentism. The presented arguments turn out to be completely independent of whether the laws of nature are deterministic or probabilistic: the world is non-productive and static or productively dynamical, the future be ‘open’ or not.
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  36. A Clash of Ontologies? Time, Law, and Science in Papua New Guinea.Marilyn Strathern - 2020 - In Geoffrey E. R. Lloyd & Aparecida Vilaça (eds.), Science in the forest, science in the past. Chicago: HAU Books.
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    The moral world of the law.Peter R. Coss (ed.) - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The dominant and deceptively simple theme of this book is the relationship between the moral environment of the courtroom and that of the society in which the court is situated. Like other Past and Present conference proceedings, the volume ranges widely across time and space, from ancient Greece to twentieth-century Africa. As a consequence, it encompasses not only the highly professional legal systems of the Roman, later medieval and modern worlds, but also the relatively unprofessionalised courts of classical Athens (...)
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    The Double Life of the Logos: The Nestorian Kenoticism of Hans Lassen Martensen.David R. Law - 2010 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 17 (2):203-226.
    This essay examines the theology of the nineteenth century Danish theologian and churchman Hans Lassen Martensen, focusing on the disputed question of the kenotic character of Martensen's Christology. A survey of the scholarship on this question is followed by discussions of Martensen's doctrine of God and his Christology, giving particular attention to his controversial notion of the double life of the Logos, i. e. the view that the Logos continued to enjoy an unlimited divine existence in the sphere of eternity (...)
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    The sentimental life of international law: literature, language, and longing in world politics.Gerry J. Simpson - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The Sentimental Life of International Law is about our age-old longing for a decent international society and the ways of seeing, being, and speaking that might help us achieve that aim. This book asks how international lawyers might engage in a professional practice that has become, to adapt a title of Janet Malcolm's, both difficult and impossible. It suggests that international lawyers are disabled by the governing idioms of international lawyering, and proposes that they may be re-enabled by speaking different (...)
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    Kant’s Proof of the Law of Inertia.Kenneth Westphal - 1995 - In Hoke Robinson (ed.), Proceedings of the 8th International Kant Congress. Marquette University Press. pp. 413-424.
    According to Kant’s Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science, a proper science is organized according to rational principles and has a pure a priori rational part, its metaphysical foundation. In the second edition Preface to the first Critique, Kant claims that his account of time explains the a priori possibility of Newton’s laws of motion. I argue that Kant’s proof of the law of inertia fails, and that this casts doubt on Kant’s enterprise of providing a priori foundations for Newton’s (...)
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    The Outer Limits.Stephen Law - 2003
    Stephen Law follows THE PHILOSOPHY FILES with a second book of philosophical conundrums for teenagers. This time he asks such questions as Do Miracles Happen? Why Do These Words Mean Something? and Do I Know the Sun will Rise Tomorrow? You can dip into the arguments that interest you, in eight chapters where the themes are set up in witty scenarios and then debated. There are wacky thought experiments to work out and a variety of characters appear - some (...)
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  42.  35
    Complexities: Social Studies of Knowledge Practices.John Law & Annemarie Mol (eds.) - 2002 - Duke University Press.
    Although much recent social science and humanities work has been a revolt against simplification, this volume explores the contrast between simplicity and complexity to reveal that this dichotomy, itself, is too simplistic. John Law and Annemarie Mol have gathered a distinguished panel of contributors to offer—particularly within the field of science studies—approaches to a theory of complexity, and at the same time a theoretical introduction to the topic. Indeed, they examine not only ways of relating to complexity but complexity (...)
  43. Time, Leeway, and the Laws of Nature: Why Humean Compatibilists Cannot Be Eternalists.Andrei A. Buckareff - 2019 - Metaphysica 20 (1):51-71.
    Humean compatibilism combines a Humean conception of laws of nature with a strong dual-ability condition for free will that requires that agents possess the ability to decide differently when they make a free decision. On the Humean view of laws of nature, laws of nature are taken to be contingent non-governing descriptions of significant regularities that obtain in the entire history of the universe. On Humean compatibilism, agents are taken to possess dual ability when making free decisions because what the (...)
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    The Direction of Time[REVIEW]M. F. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):368-369.
    A detailed attempt to ground the topological properties of time in the laws of micro- and macro-physical processes. The reversible processes of mechanics are used to define an order among temporally separated events, which is invariant under reversals of time direction. So long as consideration is limited to a single isolated system, a time ensemble, the transfer of the reversibility of the constituent processes of such a system to the system as a whole makes it impossible to (...)
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    Prospects for a new account of time reversal.Daniel J. Peterson - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 49:42-56.
    In this paper I draw the distinction between intuitive and theory-relative accounts of the time reversal symmetry and identify problems with each. I then propose an alternative to these two types of accounts that steers a middle course between them and minimizes each account’s problems. This new account of time reversal requires that, when dealing with sets of physical theories that satisfy certain constraints, we determine all of the discrete symmetries of the physical laws we are interested in (...)
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  46. Morality, Law and the Place of Critique: Walter Benjamin's The Meaning of Time in the Moral World.Andrew Benjamin - 2011 - Critical Horizons 12 (3):281 - 301.
    Critique as a philosophical concept needs to be recast once it is linked to the possibility of a productive opening. In such a context critique has an important affinity to destruction and forms of inauguration. Working through writings of Marx and Walter Benjamin, specifically Benjamin's 'The Meaning of Time in the Moral World', destruction and inauguration are repositioned in terns of othering and the caesura of allowing.
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  47. The Arrow of Time in Physics.David Wallace - 2013 - In Adrian Bardon & Heather Dyke (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Time. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 262–281.
    Every process studied in any science other than physics defines an arrow of time – to say nothing for the directedness of the processes of causation, inference, memory, control, and counterfactual dependence that occur in everyday life. The discussion in this chapter is confined to the arrow of time as it occurs in physics. The chapter briefly discusses those features of microscopic physics, which seem to conflict with time asymmetry. It explains just how this conflict plays out (...)
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  48. Do the Laws of Physics Forbid the Operation of Time Machines?John Earman, Chris Smeenk & Christian Wüthrich - 2009 - Synthese 169 (1):91 - 124.
    We address the question of whether it is possible to operate a time machine by manipulating matter and energy so as to manufacture closed timelike curves. This question has received a great deal of attention in the physics literature, with attempts to prove no- go theorems based on classical general relativity and various hybrid theories serving as steps along the way towards quantum gravity. Despite the effort put into these no-go theorems, there is no widely accepted definition of a (...)
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    Emergence of Time.George F. R. Ellis & Barbara Drossel - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (3):161-190.
    Microphysical laws are time reversible, but macrophysics, chemistry and biology are not. This paper explores how this asymmetry arises due to the cosmological context, where a non-local Direction of Time is imposed by the expansion of the universe. This situation is best represented by an Evolving Block Universe, where local arrows of time emerge in concordance with the Direction of Time because a global Past Condition results in the Second Law of Thermodynamics pointing to the future. (...)
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    Association of daily and time-segmented physical activity and sedentary behaviour with mental health of school children and adolescents from rural Northeastern Ontario, Canada.Bruno G. G. da Costa, Brenda Bruner, Graydon H. Raymer, Sara M. Scharoun Benson, Jean-Philippe Chaput, Tara McGoey, Greg Rickwood, Jennifer Robertson-Wilson, Travis J. Saunders & Barbi Law - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Physical activity and sedentary behaviour have been linked to the mental health of children and adolescents, yet the timing of behaviours may play a role in this relationship and clarifying this could inform interventions. We explored cross-sectional associations of PA and SED in varying time segments throughout the school day with the mental health of school-aged children and adolescents from rural Northeastern Ontario, Canada. A total of 161 students wore accelerometers for 8 days and completed a self-report survey. Mental (...)
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